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2020 House Cleaning

Lexico.com* defines resolution as a firm decision to do or not to do something.

I originally had planned on asking the following:
“Have you made any New Year’s Resolution(s) for 2020? If so, what is it? Do you plan on fulfilling that resolution? Or will you crash and burn? “

I have just finished reading an article in the January 2020 issue of InStyle Magazine, where the following question was asked of its readers:
“What Will You Leave Behind in 2019?”

Since we are now 9 days into 2020, I am asking the following:
“ What Have You Left Behind in 2019?”

I would like to say that I have left behind ALL of my baggage(meaning negatively, the way I respond and react to situations be it either with family or other individuals, constantly play it safe even if it does not get me anywhere, still worrying about what other individuals think for fear of being left out…I could go on and on); but I haven’t, so unfortunately ALL of my baggage has come along for the ride in 2020. That being said, I will be working on eliminating this excess or shrink it down …all within the framework of what is my body and all its parts. If anything comes up that I have not included, that will be worked on as well.
That is my answer. Let’s hear yours.

About Annye

I am an administrative assistant who started blogging to share my life experiences.


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