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Mr. Sandman…Bring Me Some Sleep!

What kind of sleeper are you? Do you drop off like a stone and awaken refreshed, or do you need pitch black and silence to drift off to dream? Once upon a time as a young adult in the work force, I used to be one of those individuals who could sleep soundly throughout the … Continue reading

A Preview

Write us a synopsis of your memoir. What are some significant milestones in your life? Which age was the best, and which was the worst? As I write this,  I want you all to know that there more milestones to come, so stay tuned… For those milestones that I have crossed, turning 50 was a … Continue reading

To Thrive, To Cope, or To Crumble? And Still Be Standing…

Do you thrive under pressure or crumble at the thought of it? Does your best stuff surface as the deadline approaches or do you need to iterate, day after day to achieve something you’re proud of? How do I work best? Where I work the pressure is always on and deadlines are constant, day in … Continue reading



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