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Again, Please

I have opened up my laptop and decided to go for it again. Writing, that is.


I still have a lot left to write about.

It has been more than two years since I have published my last post, with the assumption that I will be writing again on a regular basis. However, like everything else that has happened in this game that we call life, a new ”fly” entered our orbit, and has for the most part, changed life as we know it, probably forever.

That ”fly” is called the coronavirus, or by its more familiar name, COVID – 19

Since the only life I can chronicled is my own, here is a timeline of how my world was impacted.

February 2020

My position is scheduled to be eliminated by end of summer

March 2020

I begin working from home

Retail, gyms, salons were shut down; church services were live streamed

Lysol, Clorox and their generic counterparts were flying off store shelves

Mask wearing and six feet apart became the new normal, along with online grocery and retail shopping

Business began closing(some permanently)and people’s livelihood were impacted

But Microsoft Teams and Zoom took off as tons of online activities became available

June 2020

Accepted a role with a new client (same employer, though)

September 2020

Was laid off from my job after 13 years…

End of September 2020

Accepted a new position with a new employer

October 2020

Started new position

The holidays looked very different that year…

January 2021

Contracted COVID…vaccine was only availed at that time for frontline workers

Spent 14 days in self isolation

It was also hard as hell to get an appointment for a vaccine where at the time there was more demand then supply

Beginning of March 2021

Received first COVID Vaccine after waiting more than an hour in line; it was cold and wet that day

End of March 2021
Received second COVID vaccine; wait time even longer….

Easter, Mother’s Day, 4th of July and Labor Day also looked different

September 2021

Received COVID Booster

Again the holidays looked very different…

Fast forward into 2022, where the restrictions have been eased; but not enough for me to let my guard down.

Since then:

I have only eaten out twice (once outdoors, the other indoors with mask worn when not eating)

I have resumed going to the gym…with mask

I’ve never stopped grocery shopping; but I still do a lot of online shopping (say hello to Amazon…and Ulta…and QVC… and H‑E‑B…)

My eating out has been all take out or online(say hello to DoorDash), I am just not ready to eat inside a restaurant again just yet

I know that I cannot worry about those ”situations” or other individuals as these are totally out of my control, but I can only control what I can within my own boundaries, which I am doing. I wear my mask everywhere, I don’t care, no one will care if I get sick, so I do this for me; especially with the numbers of confirmed cases on the rise again and this new chicken pox on the horizon…one can never be too careful.

So in closing, all I want to say is this:

You do you. After all, who knows you best than you?

About Annye

I am an administrative assistant who started blogging to share my life experiences.


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